Remote Access

If you have your own website, you can use it to access Studio Helper more directly. For example, you can put a login form to Studio Helper on your website. You can also put a registration form on your website, allowing new to register for your studio.

Remote Login Form

To put a login form on your studio website, copy and paste the following code within the html <body> tag of your website, where you want the login form to appear:

Remote Registration Form

Use the following code to place a registration form on your website. When new fill out this form, you will receive an e-mail with their details, letting you know that someone has registered. The will also be created within your Studio Helper account and placed on your People list with a status of "New".

You can also customize the registration form, specifying which options to show on the form, and which are required.
Click here to Customize the Registration Form

Place the following code within the <body> tag of your website to generate the registration form:

Styling the Forms

The forms above have no styling associated with them. This allows you more flexibility to make the appearance of the form match that of your website. If you do not know how to use style sheets, or prefer to use our styling, you can copy the code below into the <head> section of your website, and it will style the form with a basic style suitable to most studios.

Embed Event Calendar

Use the following code to place your event calendar into your website.